About Flushd

The Best Bathroom Finding App in the World

The Bathroom. A hallowed yet infrequently talked-about room of critical and daily importance to the lives of every human being, and the most important invention the world has ever seen.

It is a room where it is safe to be at our worst. Where acts that would normally be embarrassing or humiliating by societal standards are welcomed and encouraged. A place where some of us seek refuge in an otherwise over-stimulated existence in order to seek some peace, tranquility and well...a reprieve. We all hope that we walk out of the bathroom feeling a little bit better then when we walked in. We at Flushd feel that we should not take this transformation for granted. Our goal is to shine a bright light into the world of bathrooms to help increase the quality of the bathroom experience globally.

How? Through providing tools to consumers that bring bathrooms to front of mind for the bathroom purveyor. Through making it easier to find a suitable bathroom for a given consumer's needs. Through making the experience while in stall more enjoyable and yes even social.

  • Have a bathroom emergency? Let us guide you with the push of a button.
  • Eco-minded and trying to find a bathroom with a waterfree urinal? Done.
  • Are you a mom looking for changing table? We've got you covered.
  • Have specific bathroom preferences? Us too, we ain't judging ya!

Flushd wants to bring the dialogue about toilet awesomeness to the mainstream. Let's celebrate its splendor and bathe in the comfort of knowing that with Flushd, relief is always within reach.

We can change the world one flush at the time. Let's show bathroom owners that we are paying attention and that it simply isn't cool to not refill the toilet paper and, gosh-darn-it, we aren't going to take it anymore. Let's ask businesses to take down their "bathrooms are for patrons only" signs. Let's help the world save water and be more sanitary.

Let's work together to help make every bathroom a royal flush.

Get Flushd & Join the Movement!

James B. Edwards

Chief Excrement Officer

Jamey believes that everyone has the right to a clean bowl, a full roll (of toilet paper, that is) and no tolls. His love of chicken wings and other not-good-for-you-but-tasty foods has allowed Jamey the opportunity to spend a fair amount of time in bathrooms all over the world. A previous investment banker, private equity professional and entrepreneur, Jamey never dreamt of founding a company built around the potty, but when doodie calls...his mission to ensure everyone can access a quality bathroom became readily apparent. Anyway, as it turns out, Jamey is pretty passionate about giving an app to the people that could satisfy the bathroom demands of the parent and bar-hopper alike. He is committed to continuing to innovate and deliver the best in-stall experience to all downloaders.

Marc N. Richman, M.D., Urology

COO, Chief Orifice Officer

Dr. Richman believes that everyone deserves a pleasurable bathroom experience. He felt so strongly about the sacred experience of relieving oneself that he dedicated his medical career to improving the bathroom habits of his patients. As a urologist, he has heard everything there is to hear about what happens (or doesn't happen) around the porcelain throne. His passion for pee and poop is unrivaled in the medical community. As a co-founder of Flushd he strives to bring accurate and important bathroom information to those who seek the ideal bathroom experience.

Jessica Edwards, M.D., OB/GYN

CFO, Chief Flow Officer

Dr. Edwards of Flushd is a mom, a practicing OBGYN and a self professed private pooper. It comes as no surprise therefore that she is always on the lookout for plush potties that are friendly to the family- specifically her two year old hellion.  She will also share her expertise in all things female and flow related. She is optimistic that Flushd will be a go to spot for help finding the perfect female/family friendly pot.

Steven Rogalsky

CMO, Coliform Monetization Officer

It was auspicious that when Jamey first came to Steven with the idea of Flushd, Steven was already sitting on the porcelain throne (it was by phone folks, not in person, even we have boundaries).  He is a digital potty god, now taking all conference calls, google hangouts, and responding to emails while in stall. 

With experience in international payment processing and structuring money flow models for fortune 500 eRetailers, it is no wonder he took on the monetization of Flushd.

He fundamentally believes two things:  first, anyone should be able read, watch, shop, post, chat, update, play games from the comfort of their bathroom; second Steven thinks that we the consumer should be rewarded for choosing a bathroom and spending time on their toilet.  It is now his life mission to ensure that Flushd rewards you for the time you spend on the can.

Odd?  We think not.  Welcome to the bathroom economy!



A good bathroom experience can make or break a day. Erik doesn't have IBS, but that doesn't mean he's unfamiliar with the power a potty holds over our lives. He also knows that as our lives get more crowded with information every day, the time spent in the bathroom is invaluable. Some of our best thinking, working, and reading is done in the bathroom now. Erik is here to make you laugh, keep you informed, make you think, and generally have a great time in the can.

He's helping Flushd serve up delicious platters of food-for-thought in blog, tweet and post form, all for your leisurely consumption. He hopes you'll turn these tastey internet morsels into something other than poop, but that's good too. 

Keeping you regular since 2013.